Write the verb Turn with one of the prepositions: around, away, down, in, into, on, off, over, out, up
Write the verb Take with one of the prepositions: after, apart, away, back, down, off, on, over, up, upon
Write the verb Run with one of the prepositions: after, around, away, for, into, off, on, out of, over, through
Write the verb Put with one of the prepositions: on, out, off, down, about, aside, back, forth, up, up with
Write the verb Make with one of the prepositions: do with, for, fun of, off with, out, over, up, up with, up for
Write the verb Look with one of the prepositions: after, ahead, away, back, down on, for, forward to, into, out, through, up, up to
Write the verb Keep with one of the prepositions: around, at, away, back, from, off, on, out, to, up
Write the verb Go with one of the prepositions: about, across, after, along with, away, back, back on, down, for, in for, off, on, out, over, round, through, under, up, without
Write the verb Give with one of the prepositions: away, back, in, off, out, over, up, up on
Write the verb Get with one of the prepositions: across, along, around, at, away, away with, by, down, down to, off, on, on with, out, out of, over, rid of, through to, up, up to
Write the verb Come with one of the prepositions: about, across, along, apart, around, back, by, down with, forward, out, up, up against, up with, upon
Write the verb Call with one of the prepositions: after, around, away, back, by, down, for, forth, in, in on, off, on, out, round, up, upon
Write the verb Bring with one of the prepositions: about, along, around, away, back, down, forth, forward, in, off, on, out, over, round, up
Write the verb Break with one of the prepositions: away, down, into, in on, in, off, open, out, through, up, with